Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Run, Fat Boy, Run

OK --- Today I start!

How many times have you said today I start training? Well today is the day for me. I’m starting my running again in prep for a marathon. Running a marathon is something that has always been a LIFE goal. Something that just sits in the back of your mind saying someday I’m going to do that! After speaking with some folks and looking around for the perfect race I have decided that The Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon is the race for me. I was looking for a cheap, close, small, race in November that would not interfere with the holidays. This race more then fits the requirements and I have heard nothing but good things about it. I’m really starting to get excited and I now have a goal again.

Now the training starts. I have been looking around at the many, many plans out on the internet and would like any input as to what others have used. HELP! I’m looking for a plan for beginners that is easy to follow and that give me some off days or cross training days. This race is still a long way out and I want to keep on swimming and biking. I have my eye on a few sprints that I may mix in to keep up with the triathlons. After watching the Irongirl triathlon this past weekend I can feel the itch to do another tri. Those girls were awesome.

I’ll take any advice please.


Kevin said...

I am using a modified version of this 3 day plan to fit it into my Half Ironman Schedule. I have heard nothing but good results from their programs


Assuming I dont kill myself in the Half IM, I will be doing that one as my first marathon as well

Kevin said...

Sorry link didnt copy right

Here it is

An Athlete In Training said...

I've heard good things about Hal Higdon's book. I don't have first hand results for you quite yet as I haven't completed my first marathon yet :)

Sarah said...

I second Kevin's suggestion for the FIRST program, it's easy to follow and you have off-days to swim, ride or other cross train.

Wes said...

I have a run/walk plan and a beginner's plan from Health Magazine I can email you if you want to look them over. I used the run/walk for my first two marathons... What I like about it is that it alternates long run weekends with a short run, so you never have back to back long run weekends like some plans.

Holler at me if you want me to email them to you...

Nancy said...

My blog has a plan back around the 2nd or 3rd post.


StephB said...

Good luck with your plan, Sam!

I would love to do the Chicamauga race with you and Kevin, but don't think I can add my mileage fast enough after Sept (I'm bike-focused until then). I'm thinking of Rocket City instead.

Kellye Mills said...

Congratulations on your decision! Good Luck!