I wish I was a kid again. Summer is almost here for my boy and it takes me back to when I was 12 years old. Do you remember how excited you felt the last week of school? I loved the summer as a kid. I never wore shoes and lived at the pool. Life was good and easy.
Lately I’ve been in a funk and life seems to be dragging me down. I continue to run but have not biked in a while and have swam even less. Our neighborhood pool just opened and it’s right in my back yard so I have high hopes to start swimming again real soon. Biking is going to be hard because I don’t want to take too much time away from my family. I may have a guy that I met a few weeks back that will ride with me. I just like to get out and back early so that I can spend the day with the family and most bike groups start late and go long. It’s a hard balance to train and have a family. How do others do it?
I want to fit a few triathlons in but I just don’t see it happening. The close events fall on bad days and the others are just too far away. I’ll keep looking for the right tri event but have decided that I’m going to start training for a marathon. I thought about a half but that just doesn’t do it for me. So – what advice would you give me? Where do I start?
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
So you can't find a tri. Lets create are own, I know Wes and Kevin (and may other local bloggers) would be up for a low key tri.
I love the big event with all the glam, but its really about having fun and racing yourself.
I might be able to swing something next weekend.
So maybe a short swim, 1 hour bike and a 5k.
Think about it.
I wish I had some great advice for you but balance is the key. I do some workouts through work time if I can get away with it and my hub really appreciates when I do that. He knows I am trying to spare family time if possible. Really early is another option, or really late at night. You are being a good role model and your health and fitness are important so don't let it get too far down your list. Good luck with this. It's always a challenge for me, too.
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