Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It’s Official

I have lost ALL fitness and my poor bike has not been ridden in some time. I have to lower my head in shame every time I walk down the hall and see her on the trainer just begging me to ride. I continue to try to run at lunch but the heat here in GA is making it very hard. It sucks to breath in hot air and then the heat just sucks all the energy right out of you. I’ve ran a few times in the parking deck witch is a lot cooler but even that is hot and boring. Yesterday I ran a trail that the office complex has that goes through some woods and around parking decks. It took everything I had to make the short loop. I think it’s only about 2 miles.

I have swum a few times with Sammy down at the neighborhood pool and I don’t know what to think. I feel like I’m swimming through the water nicely and with little effort but my lungs are completely gone. I can maybe swim a few hundred before I’m just beat and I can’t seem to swim straight anymore.

I just need to start making training plans with other folks to force me to get going again. First try at this will be this weekend when I’m planning on doing the first annual "Fat B(astards or itches)'s tri club" event. I’m kind of excited because I will get to hang out with the authors of the first blogs that I came across when researching triathlons. While looking up places to run in GA I put GA runs in my search bar and found a guy training for a marathon. I checked in on his training every day and from that site I started following Sarah and Wes and then a whole group of folks that I read every day. It will be nice to be able to finally meet them in person even though I will make a poor showing at the tri.

I’m still struggling with the QT drink addiction. I went and got a drink on Sunday. Just a little bit is OK right? I can drink socially right? I little taste is going to hurt anyone. Actually it my get me devoiced or fired if I can’t snap out of it soon. I’m a cranky old man when I don’t get my fix.


Brian said...

After the weekend you'll be fixed up. We'll take it easy on ya, this is going to be a fun event, and you'll get so inspired you'll sign up for some other local race and start training.

I look forward to meeting ya and having a beer or three.

Marcy said...

LMAO at that cartoon! Cute!

How about doing quitting gradually? Like maybe just cutting down to half a can a day and then working from there?!?

Kevin said...

This weekend should help you get back in the swing of things. Cant wait to meet you

Mel said...

By signing up for the race over the weekend will get you pumped up to get back to training :) Hang in there and just get it done....think about it.. a hour or less a day....that is IT!!! Get motivated..you CAN do it!!!! Sorry to sound like a cheerleader, but if that is what it takes....I am for it :)

Kellye Mills said...

Races are great motivators, so you'll be fine! And getting the engine up and running again can seem sluggish at first, but trust me... you haven't lost all of your fitness just yet! It'll be back in no time!